
Hey 👋,

I'm Martin Mazur; I work with teams and organizations to get tech and business on the same wavelength, remove friction and frustration, and get everyone working towards the same goal - shipping great products that solve customer problems.

I’m a product organization consultant, technical leadership coach, and keynote speaker who enjoys sharing my insights and experiences on agile methodologies, leadership, and emerging tech.

Through my years as a consultant and leader, I've had the fortune to work with several organizations, large and small, in several different roles. This gave me a unique perspective on software, people, and organizations. I use this experience to inspire and promote better and more sustainable ways to run teams and build software.

I write and speak publicly on emerging technology and technical leadership.

I believe progress can only happen in the space between people and technology - one needs the other to evolve.

You can find my details on the contact page if you want to get in touch.


I love talking to the media and commenting on stories about new technology, technical leadership, or the consultancy industry. I've previously been interviewed and featured in Computer Sweden, Sydsvenskan, Voister, Veckans Affärer, and others.


I frequently speak on new technology and technical leadership topics at events and conferences. I'm happy to hear more about any speaking opportunity, and I'm open to making custom and exclusive talks specifically for your event.


I'm based in Lund, in the south of Sweden, which is very close to Malmö and Copenhagen. I also frequently visit Stockholm for work, conferences, and events.